True love is not nice
Rating: 8/10
Running Time: 119 minutes
UK Certificate: 15
Mary has it all. Shes kind, sweet, funny, and intelligent. Oh yeah, and shes also a dead ringer for Cameron Diaz. Its no wonder she becomes the object of more than a couple of mens slightly-creepy affections in this marvellous movie containing some of the most memorable comedy moments of the 90s.
Stalking has never been more hilarious than it is here in the hands of the Farrelly brothers, the gross-out specialists who previously brought us the likes of Dumb & Dumber and Kingpin. Ben Stiller plays the High School geek whose teen love for class babe Mary develops into a lifelong obsession, to the point of hiring a private investigator (a moustachioed Matt Dillon) to track her down 13 years after an ill-fated senior prom.
The trouble is, the tec soon falls for her too and hes far from the only one to inadvertently fall under her spell. Among the others to have noticed that there is, indeed something about Mary, are a scheming Lee Evans, nervous wreck Chris Elliott, and even real-life American football jock Brett Favre.
As anyone whos seen any of the Farrellys other flicks will know to expect, this isnt a movie aimed at the politically correct set. Theres something in here to offend pretty much everyone and anyone, be your own personal sore point cruelty to animals, the disabled, police brutality, murder, homosexuality or even good ol hair gel. But if youre anything like I was the first time I saw it, youll be far too busy belly-laughing to care.
Theres also a surprisingly sweet core to all of this, and the blossoming romantic hook between Diaz and Stiller is infinitely more palatable than anything youll find in your standard generic rom-com. Personally, Im much more sickened by any movie co-starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan than anything the Farrelly brothers could EVER dream up. Theyll just have to settle for second-best on that front.
It's Got: Jonathan Richman on lead vocals.
It Needs: Not to be watched whilst drinking anything fizzy because it could well start fizzing out of your nostrils. Which is never nice.
DVD Extras Music vid with karaoke, audio commentary with the Farrelly bros, Behind the Zipper featurette, and an original theatrical trailer. DVD Extras Rating: 6/10
Hilarious youd have to be dead not to laugh at this one.