
Action adventure starring your friendly neighbourhood spiderman
Rating: 9/10
Running Time: 121 minutes
UK Certificate: 12
There's something sexy about Spiderman; whether it's the skin-tight uniform, the super powers, or the fact that he's a nerdy superhero in whom everyone can relate, Spiderman is an all round good guy. And its those things that made him an instant success and kept him at the top of the ratings for over four decades.
When the announcement was made that a high-budget movie was to be made, the media was alight with speculation. And with the controversial Sam Raimi (Evil Dead trilogy) directing, just one question was on everyone's lips: Would it be any good?
The answer has to be a resounding yes.
Brought to life under Raimi's loving direction, Spiderman is as good on the small screen as it was at the cinema. Fantastic sound and visuals, some brilliant acting and great dialogue make this one of the best films to come out of Hollywood in many years.
Action packed, Spiderman is amusing, clever and is carefully constructed to make you really feel for Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) as he becomes the lycra clad and angst-torn superhero. This is a slightly darker look at the life of Peter Parker/Spiderman and the choices (and sacrifices) he must make to become the web slinging wall crawler.
The film remains utterly faithful to the comic book, has plenty of humorous moments and gathers speed toward its action packed conclusion nicely.
The movie's villain: the despicable Green Goblin/Norman Osbourne (William Dafoe) is an excellent starting place for Spiderman's first nemesis and sets the scene nicely for a sequel. Love interest is provided in the form of pouting Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) who I can't help but like. There are also plenty of cameos look out for: Lucy Lawless and Ted Raimi (throwbacks to Xena: the Warrior Princess – one of Raimi's TV series in the 1990s).
The Computer Imagery for Spiderman's aerial scenes are breathtaking in parts (but still evidently computer generated in places) but it's all so fantastic and colorful that you can't help but overlook such small gripes.
It's Got: Spiderman! Great Special Effects
It Needs: A sequel
DVD Extras The 2 Disk set is comprehensive. The first DVD contains the movie, whilst DVD2 has an entire wash of extras, from an often overlooked set of bloopers and outtakes and audio commentaries, and the obligatory voice overs from the actors and Raimi himself. DVD Extras Rating: 8/10
A breathtaking action-packed and faithful look into the world of Spiderman, an excellent collection to any DVD and great fun for children and big kids everywhere. Spiderman took over $1 billion at the box office. If that's not enough of a recommendation, go out and buy/rent this DvD right now.