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Category Archives: Drama


This throwaway hit is a refreshingly different and intriguing take on the superhero concept. A great effort by a bunch of big screen newcomers.

The Help

The Help could be used as a psychological test to see what kind of person you are. Cynical and unwilling to be sold an overly sentimental, confused, one-dimensional tale or a warmhearted human being who can allow themselves to be charmed by a feelgood drama with an engaging story.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

If you want to see lovely attention to detail and a wonderfully grim portrayal of the Seventies then go see this. But for entertainment and an intriuiging plot you should probably stay away.


Hugo looks exquisite and the plot is as mature and engaging as you’d expect from a Scorcese film but sometimes the cinematography is a little clichéd in its use. Good for kids, great for adults who love film.

The Descendants

The Descendants is a bittersweet tale of a family sticking together in trying times. With the perfect mix of grief, humour and charm this is the best thing to come out of Hawaii since Dog the Bounty Hunter.

The Damned United

Would have been one of the better football dramas (facing stiff competition from practically none) had it not been based on a vastly superior book. This football love-in really needs a darker edge to make it more The Wrestler than Escape to Victory.

Life, Above All

Worthwhile, worthy, haunting, harrowing – a film that will stay with you long after the credits have rolled.


Polanksi takes a risk with a cast of non-comedians (Reilly included) for this comedy drama but it pays off as Carnage is funny, tense and full of choice dialogue.

Waltz with Bashir

Ari Folman has definitely created one of the best, most harrowing and memorable ever movies about war. The decision to use a mixture of animation styles was an inspiration and sets it aside from the rest.

A Separation

The best (only) Iranian film I have ever seen is a well-crafted and intelligent family/courtroom drama with a shoe in for the Best Foreign Language Oscar.