End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones, The Ramones - End of the Century

Rating: 8/10
Running Time: 110 minutes
US Certificate: Unrated UK Certificate: 15
Anyone considering watching End of the Century should know, before they even start, that its really aimed only at fans of The Ramones or – at the very least – people who have a significant interest in rock music and its history. People, in other words, who already know that not only are none of The Ramones actually related, but that none of them are even really called Ramone (its probably one of the few things that the legendary punk band share in common with the Righteous Brothers, who were neither brothers nor particularly righteous).
But, if you are a part of said target audience, then you should find yourself a copy of this one right now, because its a must-see. This in-depth rockumentary leaves nary a stone unturned as it tracks the career-path of the leather-clad cult favourites, from their backstreet beginnings as founder members of New Yorks 1970s punk scene, right through to the groups 1995 split, and on to the premature death of frontman Joey in 2001 and their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002.
Directorial pairing Jim Fields and Michael Gramaglia come as close as is probably possible to being completely objective in their presentation of the film, taking their time to show both sides of every story and never coming across as gushing fan-boys. They present us with raw, insightful interviews with each of the leading players in The Ramones story, as well as talking head slots from the likes of Debbie Harry, Joe Strummer and Captain Sensible. It all comes together to form a fascinating real life tale of sex, drugs and rock n roll, which soon ditches its early background filler work to make way for a remarkably honest unravelling of how the band were gradually torn apart by conflicting personalities, power struggles and perennial in-fighting.
In the end, its perhaps fitting that this film much like The Ramones two-decade back catalogue of music is likely to go largely unnoticed by any form of wider audience. Its a professional, interesting and at-times touching piece of work, but its one that only the fans will appreciate. Theyll be well used to that feeling.
It's Got: Marky Ramone telling a funny story about lobbing a fish head through a window. I guess you had to be there.
It Needs: To have had the directors doing the audio commentary. Is it just me, or would that have been a bit more appropriate?
DVD Extras Distributors Tartan Video have done a good job in padding out this nicely-packaged disc with extended interview footage, a deleted scene featuring Clem Burkes ill-fated spell as Elvis Ramone, a short featurette on who wrote what on the bands first three albums, and a host of trailers. And, if all of thats not enough for you, theres the slightly-bizarre option of audio commentary on the whole thing from Charles Shaar Murray and Danny Baker (yes, THAT Danny Baker, the fat bloke from Pets Win Prizes and the Daz Doorstep Challenge). Version reviewed: The Ramones - End of the Century also available End of the Century - The Story of the Ramones (Amazon.com) DVD Extras Rating: 6/10
An engrossing, no frills, behind-the-scenes look at one of punk rocks best-kept secrets.