Le Journal de Bridget Jones

Its Monday morning, Bridget has woken up with a headache, a hangover and her boss. Uninhibited. Uncensored. Unmarried.
Rating: 5/10
Running Time: 97 minutes
UK Certificate: 15
Bridget Joness Diary is set in London, but not as we know it. Its Sanitized London. A London where people can somehow get away with having names like Cosmo and Darcy. A London where a woman, in her 30s, with no discernible qualifications or experience, can quit her receptionists job and walk straight into a gig as a roving TV reporter. A London where stately homes, village pubs and unblemished snow stretch for as far as the eye can see. A London with no traffic congestion in fact, come to think of it, no traffic AT ALL! Come on people, its London for Gods sake! Seriously, they could at least have thrown in ONE drunken tramp with a Scottish accent. Would it have killed them?
But it doesnt take long to realise that this unfeasibly popular movie, based on the runaway best-selling novel by Helen Fielding, is no more grounded in reality than the Lord of the Rings or Star Trek movies. Im sure of that predominantly because, if life was really like it is in such self-consciously-middle-class pseudo-Richard Curtis fare, Id have killed myself by now.
Having said all of that, theres no denying that Bridget is an endearing character even if she is played by Renee Zellweger and thereby cursed with a permanently-closed pair of eyes. The film charts her life as a lousy-with-love singleton, and her quandary over which of her suitors to pick: posh, charming, floppy-haired white-collared high-flier Hugh Grant, or – erm – posh, charming, floppy-haired white-collared high-flier Colin Firth. Of course, anyone with a bit of sense would tell them both to Firth off, but this is the movies, and anything can happen just as long as it doesnt involve a speck of dirt being spotted on one of Londons streets.
Anyway, getting back to the point, thats about it as far as the plot goes. The performances are exactly what youd expect from the cast on display. Theres also passable direction from the completely unknown helmswoman Sharon Maguire, and a made-for-bathtime soundtrack that could just as easily be titled Now Thats What I Call Female Empowerment. But its main saving grace is that it only lasts for just over an hour-and-a-half which means swift enough respite for the blokes, daily recommended allowance of overly-fluffy flim-flam for the ladies, and everyones happy! Well, sort of.
It's Got: A gentlemans punch-up.
It Needs: Some gentlemans relish (goes great on a gentlemans hamburger, arf!).
DVD Extras Full length commentary from Ms Maguire, two decent featurettes, some deleted scenes, and a couple of music videos. DVD Extras Rating: 6/10
You wont have too much trouble keeping up with this particular Jones but you might enjoy it. If you like that sort of thing.