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Django Unchained
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Les Misérables
Chernobyl Diaries
The Cabin in the Woods

Author Archives: Amber Goddard

Crazy Heart

Jeff Bridges deserves his Best Actor Oscar, but, as a whole, Crazy Heart is just OK, though it’s elevated because of his performance.

The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones is, as a movie not living in the shadow of the book upon which it is based, unique and engaging, and full of a very frightening Stanley Tucci.

The Perfect Game

Don’t run out and plunk down your hard-earned bucks for it, but if you want a pleasantly forgettable afternoon of harmless, melodramatic sweetness, go to a matinee with the family.

Furry Vengeance

Don’t let anything that might make this movie look appealing fool you—even Brendan Fraser can’t save this zoo.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Remakes aren’t always a bad thing, but the lack of charisma from the leads and the script that feels like it was written by six different people who never met converged to make this a mostly bad thing with a few good bits.

The Back-up Plan

Jennifer Lopez is acceptable, and there are a few good laughs, but overall a bland and forgettable romantic comedy.

Death at a Funeral

With all those names in the cast, and a premise full of promise, “Death at a Funeral” is just THAT much more disappointing because of all that it’s not.

Hot Tub Time Machine

Better than “The Hangover” if you were an eighties kid, “Hot Tub Time Machine” may lack in making sense, but it’s funny, which is the job of a comedy.

Letters to God

“Letters to God” is a sweet tribute to a real-life little boy’s courageous fight with cancer but as a movie, despite some good performances, it won’t appeal to everyone.

Date Night

“Date Night” doesn’t break any new ground, it doesn’t offer any sort of existential treatise on life, and it doesn’t succumb to crude humor—it simply is funny.