New Reviews
Django Unchained
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Les Misérables
Chernobyl Diaries
The Cabin in the Woods

Author Archives: Andrea Chee


While this is not bad as a teen thriller, sadly this story has been told on film a number of times before and often with better results.


Decently-made war horror that does suffer a little from a slow second half and a not unexpected ending.

The Last House on the Left

In many ways this is a flawed film, but nonetheless it is an important contribution to the small group of films that have chosen to use realism to show the true horror of violence.

The Enemy Below

Outstanding classic cat-and-mouse conflict between a destroyer and a submarine, with interesting characters on both sides.

The Transporter

Flawed but exciting actioner with particularly outstanding car chase and fight sequences.

Dying Young

A superficial treatment of what could have been a strong story, 'Dying Young' is saccharine sweet rather than deep and emotional.

Sleeping with the Enemy

This 'abused wife becomes empowered woman' film has potential, but after a good start it never manages to examine the subject to the depth it deserves.

Our Man Flint

Trashy and implausible but fun spy story that remains a great way to waste a couple of hours.

In Like Flint

A reprise of 'Our Man Flint' that still has its funny moments but is lacking the charm of the original.


Not only an important film that raises some significant questions, but an interesting one that holds audience attention throughout.