Derek Flint faces the challenge of stopping women taking over the world.
Rating: 6/10
Running Time: 110 minutes
UK Certificate: PG
James Coburn stars as American intelligence agent Derek Flint in this sequel to the spy spoof 'Our Man Flint'. Once again, he battles a group with a fiendish plot for world domination. During a round of golf with the US President (Andrew Duggan), Flint's boss Lloyd C Cramden (Lee J Cobb) is using a stopwatch to time the President's golf swing when something strange appears to have happened. According to the watch, he is missing several minutes during which he has no idea what has taken place. Concerned for the well-being of the President, Cramden consults with Flint about the missing time.
Soon Cramden finds himself in the middle of a vicious smear campaign designed to discredit him. It seems that there is a traitor in their midst who doesn't want him looking too closely at those missing minutes. Flint must use his extraordinary resources to follow the clues and solve the mystery. His adversaries turn out to be a cabal of wealthy women who are brainwashing others through the hairdryers in beauty salons. Flint has to act fast to prevent them taking over the world, and there is still the problem of the President's missing minutes and what might have happened during that time.
'In Like Flint' brings back pleasant memories of its predecessor, but sadly doesn't quite live up to it. In many ways, the film is more of a reprise of 'Our Man Flint', redoing many of the same gags and camp clichés. Coburn makes the most of the role, but isn't really given much to work with. The film is still funny and colourful, but generally lacks the innocent enthusiasm of the original.
It's Got: Moments where it recaptures the spirit of the original.
It Needs: The innocence, charm and originality of it predecessor.
DVD Extras In the UK, In Like Flint is currently only available on DVD as part of a double-disc set with Our Man Flint. Extras: Theatrical trailer. DVD Extras Rating: 1/10
A reprise of 'Our Man Flint' that still has its funny moments but is lacking the charm of the original.