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Monthly Archives: August 2010

Apocalypse Now

In my opinion, this is the best and most iconic war film to date. It’s packed with thrilling action, memorable characters and a refreshing dose of surealism and madness that make it slightly different from the rest. Apocalypse Wow more like.

Fred Zinnemann

James Watkins

David Cronenberg

The Expendables

Read all about it – Sylvester Stallone and Dolph Lundgren in poor acting shocker! As was always going to be the case, bags of testosterone filled action rescues The Expendables from being plain awful and makes it a fun watch instead.

Despicable Me

Funny, sweet, but still a little dark, kids and parents should have a blast with Gru and those Twinkie-lookalike minions.

The Secret in Their Eyes

A worthy Oscar Winner that expertly blends mystery, romance, comedy and suspense to create a really moving and satisfying watch.

The Last of the Mohicans

One of Hollywood’s great historical epic adventures floating in a sea of missed opportunities, Mann perfectly mixes action, romance and good characterisation. Also, only one of two films that have ever made me weepy. The other being Little Nicky – different reasons.

Youth in Revolt

Probably better now as a rental than if you had paid to see it in a theater, Michael Cera fans will love it, while fans of anyone else in the film will feel a little cheated.

Nicely surreal and stylish and a great look at a really influential musician, just a little overlong and repetitous.