When you can live forever, what do you live for?
Rating: 7/10
Running Time: 122 minutes
US Certificate: PG-13 UK Certificate: 12A
I went into Twilight with no prior knowledge of the crazy popular book series by Stephanie Meyerexcept that it was crazy popular. Being the girl I am, I was ready to hate itit seemed a bit too Hot Topic cool for me, and besides, I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer with rabid fan-girliness, and this smelled like an encroachment on the human-loves-a-vampire genre that Im still not ready for. But for all my squinty-eyed mistrust, though mockable at points, Twilight isnt nearly the disaster Id expected, and should satisfy its intended audience.
Isabella call me Bella Swann (Kristen Stewart) moves to the small town of Forks, Washington. Shes a bit surlynot exactly the popular typebut is surprisingly welcomed into the cool kid clique in the high school. As such, shes given the lowdown on everyone elsemainly, the borderline incestuous Cullen family whose gaggle of foster children seem to move in slow motion and date each other. The only unattached member of the clan is Edward (Robert Pattinson), and he and Bella quickly bond, unable to hide their mutual attraction. Oh, and yeah, theyre vampires, so THATS a whole weird thing. Then the killings start, the work of three vamps who dont so much adhere to the no human blood rule, and when one of them gets a whiff of Bella well, its all downhill from there.
My first instinct was to dismiss this as fodder for romantic fifteen-year-oldswhich it isand to make fun of the angst-laden, oh-so-intense glances from across the biology labwhich I did. But it has something about it, something that made me look up comments on it and ask readers of the book how they felt about how the big screen handled their book. A friend told me, You like it. I fought vehemently, but his point was this: We hate Hannah Montana. We do not spend time looking up background information on Hannah Montana or talking to people about it. You just had a whole discussion about Twilight and whether it was true to the book. You like it. Theres some of the cheesiest dialogue ever; while cavorting in the woods, Edward declares to Bella, “You’re like a drug to me. Like my own personal brand of heroin.” There are plot holesmaybe these things come up in the book, but why cant Edward read Bellas mind? Why is James so intensely obsessed with Bella? And maybe its the character, maybe its Stewart, but I found Bella to be not-so-likeable. Despite all this, however, I think the movie is right on for what it is. The boys are beautiful and tragic, the teenage love is tragic and epic, and its all just so almost-taboo. As a story, its OK, and if its your thing, youll be entertained.
It's Got: Big time tragic teenage love, pretty boys, and overacting.
It Needs: To calm down on the meaningful glances.
It sucked me in more than I thought it would, and for fans of the epic tragedy of melodramatic human/vampire love, this is a film for you.