Hulk 2

You'll like him when he's angry.
Rating: 6/10
Running Time: 112 minutes
US Certificate: PG-13 UK Certificate: 12A
Things seemed to be going the right way for me to enjoy this latest version of Hulk mythologyEdward Nortons onboard, Liv Tylers in thereeven Tim Roth signed up to be the big bad. I loved the TV show, steered clear of the 2003 Ang Lee film, and dont know much of the comic book lore. From what I know, I like my Hulk tragic and slightly complex, a little fella with a lot of inner turmoil. This movie, however, didnt really deliver on its promise and as far as I can tell, shouldve just left well enough alone.
Bruce Banner (Norton) turns into a big scary green giant whenever his heart rate goes up too high, so he cant get angry, excited, or watch super scary movies. As such, hes on a quest to find the antidote, but the military and other villainous types are hell-bent on dissecting him and harnessing his power for their own purposes. After much searching, he thinks he may have found the cure that will let him tame his inner Hulk and live a normal life with his true love, Dr. Betty Ross (Tyler), but, alas, rogue soldier Emil Blonsky (Roth) wants some of that superpower juice for himself and transforms into a big uber-strong guy called The Abomination. So, unfortunately, Bruce has to Hulk up and fight to save the world, unable to simply retire his badass parts and be simply a man.
First the good. I really think Norton was a good choice to play Bruce Banner, not only because hes not very imposing physically, providing a needed contrast and conflict between Man and Hulk, but because hes a fantastic actor who does manage to bring some character to a role that really isnt written to give any. Also of the positivethe action sequences are very well done, and the CGI heroes and monsters look spectacular. Problems arise if youre looking for an actual coherent storyMr. Green (Hulky) trusts Mr. Blue to help him with his antidote findings, though theyve never really met? Ross goes from bad to good to something? Did Blonsky plan to remain all Abominable forever? Theres a lot of running and action and exploding, but the Hulk should have more heart and plotseriously, how sad is it to be a freakin superhero but not remember it, not be able to control it, and have to live your life worried you might accidentally get too worked up and kill someone? This isnt bad in the realm of summer popcorn stuff, but The Hulk is a character rich in angst and story, and this movie couldve been so much more.
It's Got: Loud shiny action and actors that, even if theyre underused, are still entertaining.
It Needs: A more fleshed-out storyline, more complexity to its characters.
DVD Extras 24 Deleted/Alternate Scenes; 5 Featurettes: The Making Of Incredible, Becoming the Hulk, Becoming the Abomination, Anatomy of a Hulk-Out, Comic Book To Screen. DVD Extras Rating: 8/10
Not bad if youre looking for mindless but good-looking action with no real storyline.