Rating: 10/10
US Certificate: PG UK Certificate: 15
Sadly, my miniscule, goldfish-esque attention span has often led me to abandon television shows I enjoyed immensely simply because Ive missed an episode or they were on hiatus too long. I have no idea how Alias ended, Ive all but given up on 24, and I didnt even make it to the finale of Dawsons Creek. One show, though, has held on to me for five seasons and never let gothat show is Lost. It can be a daunting show, with overwhelming back story and mythology, not to mention the present time story and the time travel but if you get in on the ground level with season one, youre in for a long-term relationship with one of the best shows on TV.
First off, for all its sci-fi roots and twisty mystery, Lost is, at its lushly filmed squishy middle, all about the characters. In season one, there are a bunch of survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Theyve landed on a seemingly uninhabited island, and we get to know 14 of them, including troubled surgeon-turned-leader Jack (Matthew Fox), former Iraqi Guard Sayid (Naveen Andrews), con man Sawyer (Josh Holloway), enigmatic felon Kate (Evangeline Lilly), musician/heroine addict Charlie (Dominic Monaghan), and survival expert Locke (Terry OQuinn). It may seem like a lot of names and people to keep track of (and thats not nearly everybody), but season one, more than any that has followed, gives us character-centric episodes that, while never detracting from the shows many arcs, show us how and why these 14 people are there and gives clues as to what the island has planned for each one.
What makes Lost the engrossing viewing experience it is is that it truly does have something for everyone, mystery and weirdness for the sci-fi lovers, amazing locations and characters, romance, humor, and a never-ending supply of surprises. Its a complex landscape of story, both on the island an in the flashbacks that masterfully reveal interweaving pasts and character motivations, and season one is the place to start. Standout episodes in the season are, first of all, Pilot, the first glimpse we get of the Lostiesproduction value alone makes this episode just as good, if not better, than most big screen fare. Then theres Walkabout, the Locke-focused hour that provides some of the best moments of the series. Numbers, all about my boy Hurley and how his lottery win brought him nothing but pain. The finale, titled Exodus, is also stellar, revealing just how everyone actually got on the plane on that fateful day AND walloping us with a big ol cliffhanger or two. But theyre all goodeven the less memorable entries into this season give us SOMETHING, some piece of the puzzle that were going to need later on. Lost, in its inaugural 24 episode season, showed why it would become the phenomenon it has remained for five years.
It's Got: Classic characters, Mystery and weirdness, Heartbreak. Pretty stuff to look at
It Needs: An audience prepared to pay attention and commit, Patience
DVD Extras Five audio commentaries (featuring Director J.J. Abrams, Terry OQuinn, Dominic Monaghan, and various other cast and crew); "Lost Scriptscanner" (DVD-ROM feature that lets the viewer see the script for the two Pilot episodes. The featurettes are divided into three sections: DEPARTURE: Cast Away: The Series, The Genesis of Lost (examines the beginnings and premise of the show); Designing a Disaster (explores preparation of the set for the plane crash pilot); Before They Were Lost (all about the shows casting); Audition Tapes; "Welcome to Oahu: The Making of the Pilot"; The Art of Matthew Fox (a collection of photographs taken and narrated by Fox); LOST@Comic-Con (short look at the shows reception at the 2004 Comic-Con). TALES FROM THE ISLAND: "LOST: On Location" (eight short featurettes about aspects of production in specific episodes, such as filming with a boar, working with bees, staging Charlies hanging, and choreographing of fight scenes); On Set With Jimmy Kimmel; Backstage With Drive Shaft (examines Charlies band). LOST REVEALED; Deleted Scenes; Bloopers From The Set, Live From The Museum of Television & Radio; several secret Easter Eggs DVD Extras Rating: 10/10
One of the few television shows worth committing to and sticking with for five-plus years, Lost is a creepy sci-fi thriller, a grand expanse of drama, a collection of romances, and pretty darn funny all at onceand the first season is just a sample of whats to come.