Fear is not knowing. Terror is finding out.
Rating: 7/10
Running Time: 92 minutes
UK Certificate: 18
In this film based on the current craze for reality TV and webcams, five young people apply to participate in a game that requires them to live together in an isolated house for six months. While they are there, their every move will be filmed by numerous cameras and made available to the public on subscription via a website. If all five stick it out and remain there for the full six months they will share in the prize of a million dollars, however if one leaves they will all lose. The challenge starts to become personal when the contestants find first their morality and then their nerves being tested.
The first real complication arises when Danny (Stephen O'Reilly) gets a letter telling him that his beloved grandfather has died the others point out to him that the company making the show may have lied about this, but Danny will have to decide for himself whether to stay or go. Then the stakes are raised when nervous Emma (Laura Regan) finds a bloodied hammer on her pillow. When one of the contestants has apparently committed suicide, the others realise that it is time to give up on the game and call for help, but they soon realise that no help is forthcoming. Cobbling together an Internet link, they go looking for their website, but are disturbed to find that their webcast is not what they expected.
'My Little Eye' is a decent thriller with a number of things to recommend it. The plot, while containing some glaring holes, is at least different and imaginative especially towards the end as the truth of the situation is being revealed. The cast do an effective job with the script, although the characters could have been dealt with in more depth in order to allow audiences to be more sympathetic to their situation. The webcast style of some of the film adds to the creepy feel and is very well done, while the house itself is a believable location for such events to take place.
Special mention should be given to the atmospheric use of the Dolby 5.1 surround soundtrack on the DVD.
It's Got: Some scary moments and an intriguing plot premise.
It Needs: More character development.
DVD Extras This Special Edition package probably represents the most outstanding use of DVD interactivity to date the browser mode allows the film to be viewed with a host of unusual features. Extras: Interactive browser mode, Commentary by director Marc Evans and producer Jon Finn, Deleted scenes, Making of, Gallery, Theatrical trailer, Teaser trailer, TV spots. DVD Extras Rating: 9/10
This is an above-average Blair Witch-style thriller with plenty of suspense that succeeds more often than it fails it is certainly superior to Blair Witch in most respects.