Sometimes Rules Are Meant To Be Broken...
Rating: 8/10
Running Time: 113 minutes
US Certificate: R UK Certificate: 18
Going back to its more closed-in roots, this third piece of the Saw puzzle is my favoritenot counting the firstbecause its got plenty of blood, plenty of back story, and plenty of Jigsaw and Amanda. This one improves on two as well because, again, were back to a smaller group of people being tested, and theyre people we can kind of empathize with. Some questions are answered this time around, and it ends on a high note.
People are still trying to find Detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg), who disappeared while investigating the newest wave of Jigsaw murdersbut Jigsaws (Tobin Bell) already moved on. For his newest game, Jigsaw and his star pupil Amanda (Shawnee Smith) have secured the services of Dr. Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh), the doctor who delivered John Kramers (thats Jigsaw to you, mister) fatal cancer diagnosis and who he has awarded the dubious honor of keeping him alive. Shed refuse, but shes got a nifty collar full of shotgun shells fastened around her neck that are set to go off if John flatlines, so, instead, she opts to help him out until he sees his last test to completion.
As always, the visual and special effects and make-up throughout the film are fantastic, and its clear that Darren Lynn Bousman and company arent resting on their laurels when it comes to trap complexity or blood and guts levels. What I liked about this Saw more than Saw II was that I actually really felt for Lynn and Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), the man Jigsaws picked to jump through his latest hoops. Both are sympathetic, and we really do root for them instead of just dismissing them as trap fodder. Also, again, I have to give some high-fives to Shawnee Smith and her crazy victim turned psychopath Amanda. Between Smith and Bell, youve got two intriguing villains that make the killing fun. This time around, theres some stomach-turning moments, not just gore-wise, but in the makeshift hospital room Amanda has set up for her mentor. The surgery scenes made me close my eyes more than any of the traps. One more thingyouve gotta suspend some disbelief with this one and just let some things go. We all realize that for some of this stuff to work, circumstances have to roll by like clockwork, and yes, its hard to believe that a man as cancer-ridden as Jigsaw could get all his pieces into place, even with the trustiest of assistants, but you either accept it or get all hung up in the details.
Special mention to Disc Two in my versionthe Decathlon of Terror. Horror trailers galore, from bad to classics like American Psycho. This alone makes it worth a purchase if youre a horror nut like me.
It's Got: Fun traps and effects, great bad guys, good guys to root for
It Needs: You to not try to logic it all out
DVD Extras THREE Audio Commentaries (1: Darren Lynn Bousman, director; Leigh Whannel, Writer/Executive Producer; Peter Block and Jason Constantine, Executive Producers 2: Oren Koules and Mark Berg, Producers 3: Darren Lynn Bousman, director; Kevin Greutert, Editor; David A. Armstrong, Director of Photography); The Traps of Saw III featurette; The Details of Death Featurette (props); Darrens Diary: Anatomy of a Director; Deleted Scenes; Trailers DISC TWO: Decathlon of Terror (compilation of Lions Gate Horror Trailers) DVD Extras Rating: 9/10
Better than its predecessor, Saw III still doesnt capture the dread of the original, but it comes close.