His stinkiest adventure yet
Rating: 6/10
Running Time: 73 minutes
UK Certificate: U
As a general rule, "Sesame Street" movies just aren't in the same league as the TV show. "Elmo In Grouchland" represents the latest attempt to successfully make that transition, and centres around kiddies' favourite Elmo – a mini red monster best known for befriending inanimate objects and talking about himself in the third person. If it was up to me, we'd be getting a movie about Grover or perhaps even the Count, but it's not so I suppose I'll just have to make do with this little guy instead.
Things kick-off with Elmo (voiced by Kevin Clash) singing gleefully about how much he treasures his beloved blanket, only to see grumpy bin-dweller Oscar thoughtlessly toss it away. When our furry pal dives into the trashcan to save it, he's whisked away to Grouchland a disgusting, unwelcoming stinksville populated by bad-tempered hairy muppets with poor personal hygiene. It's a bit like Dundee, in fact.
Upon finding the blanket half-inched by a greedy man with colossal eyebrows (Mandy Patinkin), Elmo has to teach him the notion of sharing in order to get it back. Thankfully, Elmo's chums aren't far behind Big Bird, Oscar & co all plunged into the garbage can in hot pursuit. Let's hope there were showers all round when they got back home.
It's aimed squarely at pre-schoolers, and there's really very little here to keep the parents entertained but at just over 70 minutes the kiddywinkles should enjoy the ride without getting too fidgety. There's a "Barney"-esque audience participation vibe to the whole thing and, as you'd expect from "Sesame Street", those tunes aren't half catchy.
It's Got: Bert and Ernie popping up along the way to remind us that everythings going to be okay.
It Needs: Mr Snuffleupagus.
DVD Extras An exceptionally short behind-the-scenes featurette, and similarly short introduction from Elmo and his pal Bug. Then again, it IS intended for a short audience. Theres also an array of trailers for movies including "Fly Away Home", "Stuart Little", "Muppets From Space" and the brilliant "Matilda". DVD Extras Rating: 3/10
Harmless fun and frolics thats sure to keep the young 'uns happy.