Feel the Wrath
Rating: 4/10
Running Time: 99 minutes
US Certificate: PG-13 UK Certificate: 12A
Let’s get this out the way before we can concentrate on unwanted swords and sandals sequel Wrath of the Titans – Clash of the Titans was awful and was rightly panned by critics. Obviously, a well-oiled publicity machine made a it a big success at the Box Office and so a follow-up was inevitable.
Wrath of the Titans joins Perseus (Worthington) – demi-god and son of Zeus – ten years after defeating the immense CGI beastie, the Kraken. Persius is called out of a cliched ‘I just want a quiet life’ retirement to try and rescue Zeus (Neeson) from imprisonment by his brothers, Poseidon and Hades (Huston and Fiennes), who have swapped sides and joined Kronos (their bad Dad) and the Titans. A plot that has, for some reason, been made as confusing and tough to follow as possible, which blows the “you don’t watch these kinds of movies for plot” myth out the water. They tried and failed with this one.
The man at the helm may have changed – downgrading to a man responsible for no good films thus far in an unremarkable career – but somehow they’ve got all the big guns back which means that either these guys mistakenly believe in the franchise or that they signed some pretty hasty pre-contractual agreements prior to part one. Sam Worthington still doesn’t have to stretch himself as the perpetually angry and unlikeable hero, but on the plus side, the Gods no longer look as ridiculous as in the first part, so you can take them a little more seriously.
Normally, at this point in one of these reviews I’ll say something like ‘but it does look pretty’ and ‘its got style but no substance’ but I’m afraid this time even the special effects are unimpressive and just look too fake, leaving it to offend most of your senses. I bet it doesn’t even taste nice.
It's Got: Unspectacular, very fake looking CGI, terrible dialogue, less ridiculous looking Gods
It Needs: An easier plot to follow (especially for *snob alert!* most of its fans), a smile or two from Worthington, more to keep you interested
Different Director, more of the same. Wrath of the Titans is boring confusing and unspectacular and hopefully signals the end for this failed franchise.