Gadget once again sets out to go-go save the world with some help from his friends.
Rating: 4/10
Running Time: 85 minutes
UK Certificate: U
French Stewart stars as Inspector Gadget, the modified police inspector with a whole host of crimefighting gadgets at his beck and call (even if there are a few bugs and they don't always work correctly). Gadget is back on the job, but is worrying that things are too quiet although Riverton has become the “Safest City in America” since Gadget captured the evil claw in the first film, he is concerned because in his experience it is always most quiet just before the criminals strike. These days, he has little to do but arrest old ladies for traffic violations.
Gadget's instincts are right, however, as his nemesis Claw (Tony Martin) has escaped from jail and is now planning to take over the world. To put his evil plan into action, Claw needs to obtain several items and sets about stealing them. Along the way, he intends to discredit Gadget as payback for his capture. Gadget, a prototype that has become somewhat obsolete, is also introduced to Gadget 2 (Elaine Hendrix), or G2 for short. The new model is competent and doesn't suffer from the glitches that Gadget has had to endure. She is also extremely attractive, and Gadget falls head over heels in love the moment he sees her. Gadget and G2 will have to do battle with the evil Claw, but Claw is not going to be easy to defeat and is ready for them.
No better but no worse than its predecessor, this is a weak film likely to amuse only younger children. The plot is woolly and lacks any depth or substance it could almost have been successfully made into one of the short cartoon episodes although there was at least plenty of action. It's hard to say if the acting had any particular merit the corny and clichéd script gave the actors little to work with. The only outstanding features are the Gadget effects, which were by far and away the most interesting things about the film.
It's Got: Frantic action and some good gadget effects.
It Needs: More of everything else.
DVD Extras A fair collection of extras with this single-disc release, but no commentary. Extras: Interactive games, Behind the scenes, Outtakes, Deleted scenes, Storyboard to film comparison, View film with music soundtrack. Music video: "Up, Up, Up" by Rose Falcon DVD Extras Rating: 6/10
Decent special effects cant hide the fact that this is a plot that would have better suited the short cartoon format and doesnt come close to filling an hour-and-a-half. Small children may be amused, but adults are likely to find little of merit here.